Susanne Codoni
University of Basel, Switzerland
Title: Orofacial dysfunction: Effects on speech interdisciplinary aspects for disorders in the orofacial system (including open bite, speech, habits) in childhood and interaction between orofacial disorders and musculoskeletal systems
Biography: Susanne Codoni
Orofacial disfunctions affect speech, breathing, swallowing, posture and the tooth holding apparatus. The orofacial system is anatomically and neurophysiologically intense and highly complex networked in permanent interaction with other body systems and often gives an idea of the complexity. As a sensomotor unit it is in constant interaction with a variety of other parts of the body. An unphysiological posture can severely disturb the performance of the mouth area. Symptoms of a general posture weakness in the orthopaedic sense, which the orthodontist can recognize by the child's open mouth, strain his teeth development and promote infections due to lack of nasal breathing. Respiratory problems caused by hyperplastic tonsils or adenoid can lead to sleep disturbances and also speech or voice disturbances. Such disfunctions are not only the result, but also be the cause of tooth malpositions. Grabowski emphasizes the interactions between the orofacial area and the entire body tooth malpositions and are often the visible image of multi-layered dysfunctions. Many diseases originate from the mouth. There are many interconnections and are susceptible to disturb the balance between tooth position, jaw development, total body tension, mouth closure and tongue function and speech. Multicausal interactions show up the close connection between breathing, swallowing, speech (dis-) functions, whole body posture, trunk musculature, fascia and tongue function should be emphasized and spotlights to a major challenge for all doctors, dentists and therapists involved in the care. The everyday work shows that monocausal and locally starting therapy leads to unsatisfactory results. In order to achieve stable results in this field, interdisciplinary systemic access in diagnostics and therapy is a prerequisite. Speech and voice disorders with the participation of the orofacial system and corresponding malfunction occur in any stage of one’s life.
Recent Publications
- Codoni S, et al., (2019) Funktionsorientierte Logopädie Springer Verlag Heidelberg.
- Codoni S, Indri I, von Jackoswki JA and Spirgi I (2016) Spezielle Manuelle Verfahren in der Behandlung von kraniomandsibulären Dysfunktionen – Praktizierte Interdisziplinarität, MKG Chirurg, Springer Verlag Heidelberg .167-175.
- Codoni S "Auf den Zahn gefühlt – "Das orofaziale System im Netzwerk der muskuloskelettalen Einheit", 283-228. in Böhme, H. / Kordaß, B. / Slominski, B. (Hrsg.) Das Dentale - Faszination des oralen Systems in Wissenschaft und Kultur - Quintessenz , 1. Auflage 2015.
- Codoni S (2015) Die Zunge im fachübergreifenden Arbeitsfeld, ZMK Zahnmedizin, Kultur, Wissenschaft 3:134-142.
- Codoni S (2014) Vielfältige Wechselwirkungen zwischen orofazialem System und dem ganzen Körper - Les divers interactions entre le système oro-facial et la totalité du corps. Physio active 3:33-40.
- Grabowski R, Kuhnt G and Stahl F (2007) Interrelacion Between Occlusal findings and Orofacial myofunctional status in primary and mixed Detition: Part III: Interrelation between malocclusions and Orofacial dysfunctions. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics /Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie 68(6):462-476.