Najat A Rabbo J S Alyafei
Primary Health Care Corporation, Qatar
Title: Job satisfaction of dental professionals in Asnani School Oral Health Program
Biography: Najat A Rabbo J S Alyafei
Job satisfaction among health care professionals has been linked to various aspects of patient care and health system outcomes as well as to general life satisfaction and job performance. It is of immense significance for any organization to have complete awareness of the level of job satisfaction of its workforce. Asnani School Oral Health Program was initiated in November 2018 by Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC), Qatar, as a novel initiative to provide dental screening services, preventive treatments like fluoride varnish applications and pit and fissure sealants along with referrals for treatment children in Qatar employing bipartite strategy i.e., at schools and at Health Centers (HC).
Objectives: 1) To assess job satisfaction of dental professionals in Asnani School Oral Health Program. 2)To evaluate the attitude of the Asnani dental professionals towards their work. 3)To elucidate the underlying factors which may impact their job satisfaction and to improve the efficiency of dental professionals in Asnani program by addressing their grievances.
Methodology: Online survey questionnaire tool was designed to assess the job satisfaction of 23 dental professionals (7 Dentists, 4 Dental Hygienists and 12 Dental Assistants) engaged in Asnani School Oral Health Program.
Results: Majority of the dental professionals expressed their satisfaction about being a part of Asnani School Oral Health Program. More than half of respondents rated high workload at both the schools and Health Centers. Only about one third of them perceived that the workload was almost right. 81% reported good work-life balance and 88% felt connected to their team.
Conclusion: Overall job satisfaction was judged to be good among majority of the dental professionals in Asnani School Oral Health Program and they had a positive attitude towards their work.