Norma Bastardo Villavicencio
Kinetic Orthodontic, Costa Rica
Title: Improper body posture at early ages and its influence on malocclusions
Biography: Norma Bastardo Villavicencio
Improper body posture at early ages may cause malocclusions and dento-facial anomalies in the young patients. This bad body posture may have been caused for bad habits as respiratory problems, bad body posture habits, basic cranial anomalies, etc. These diseases cause changes in the growth and development of the jaws and change the position of the cervical spine as an adaptation provoking cranio-cervical anteposition or cranio-cervical lateral flexion. As therapist, we need to focus our interest in helping to improve breathing and right position of the head respect to body considering that the lower jaw and cranio-masticatory system plays a very important role in the permeability of airways. First, we must make a good diagnosis, through the suite of softwares that are used in the Orthokinetic Philosophy and all instruments such as craniometric analyzers, you can determine and measure the facial asymmetries and design the Orthokinetic splint, who is going to compensate all these asymmetries through the acrylic and it places the jaw in a therapeutic position, where the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) plays a crucial role because the TMJ is a mechanical and neural center of the body. As a result, after using the Orthokinetic splint, we see how it improves breathing and how it changes the position of the cervical spine improving the posture waiting for a correct grown process in the young patients.
Recent Publications
1. Aguilar Moreno NA, Taboada Aranza, O. Frequency of Mal-occlusions and their association with body posture problems in a school population in the State of Mexico. Medical Bulletin of the Children's Hospital of Mexico 70 (5), 354-371,2013.
2. Cárdenas, JM, Flores JC, Gutiérrez Cantú FJ, Cárdenas GM, Sánchez Meraz W y Guerrero Barrera AL. Study of the Cervical Skull Position in patients with Skeletal Classes II and III. Int J Morphol, 33 (2): 415-419, 2015.
3. Tatis, Diego. Tatis Cephalometric Analysis for panoramic radiography. Tame Editores. 3 a ed; Colombia 2011.
4. Tatis, Diego. Photometric Analysis of Tatis. Tame Editores. 1 a ed; Colombia 2014.
5. Tatis, Diego. PRE-SET BOW. Orthokinética Vision. Tames Editores. 1 a ed; Colombia 2007.